Today ended up being one of those days when you ask "Why me?" This coming weekend is the Brinkerhoff reunion in Bryce Canyon. We thought we would head out a little early and visit Tyler's sister Sharalyn in SLC and do some swimming at one of the nearby water parks. As we approached Fruitland our Suburban started sputtering and coughing and the engine was making some horrific grinding sounds. Yes indeed, the engine is totally a gonner. We were broken down and our trip came to a screeching halt.
Luckily, Tyler's brother Devin has some good connections and came to our rescue with a long trailer to haul our poor suburban home.
Although I hate, hate vehicle break-downs (which stems from my childhood) we were blessed in many ways. Grandpa and Grandma Coon are letting us take their mini van clear to Bryce so we wont miss the reunion. I have come to appreciate good family friends. Thank you Devin, for saving our day.
Tonight, my thoughts are with my good friend Stephanie, who just told me today, that she is expecting another baby. I am so excited for her. And I especially can't wait to hold and spoil the precious bundle.
I will leave you with some beautiful pictures from a camping trip we took last weekend at Paradise with my Mother's family.