Monday, April 30, 2012

I am finally a graduate!  The ceremony was beautiful with bagpipe players, eloquent and inspirational speakers and the graduation walk itself.  My brother Riley and sister Camille brought there families from the Wasatch Front to help me celebrate....which meant so much.  My in-laws and parents also were there to support me.  And then of course my own husband and children were there to show their love.  I loved every minute of the day.  My family threw Madison and me a party afterward...complete with adorable decorations and cupcakes.  Needless to say, by the end of the day I was floating!

I also found out this week that I get to be a third grade teacher at Naples Elementary!  It has always been my dream to work at Naples and now that it is coming true--I couldn't be happier.  Goals and dreams really do happen when hard work is persevered!  I get to teach my own son, Spencer this year; we are both elated.  I am going to have a fun summer putting my classroom together.  I honestly cannot wait.


Emily said...

Congrats! I'm so proud of you and all that you are accomplishing.

Angus Family said...

Kristi I am so excited for you! You will be an amazing teacher!

Elizabeth said...

I loved seeing pictures from your graduation. You did it! You will be such a great teacher.

tonandboys said...

You Are Incredible! You Deserve a Wonderful Day! So Happy for You!