Monday, August 29, 2011

Student Teaching

Today was my first day of Student Teaching. I have waited and waited for this day and I can't believe I am already to this point in my education although I have certainly taken my time to get here. I'm currently in a 1st grade class. The teacher's name is Mrs. Kester. I feel blessed to be in her class because back in my subbing days, students would always tell me how their favorite teacher was Mrs. Kester. She is energetic and bright. She is young enough in her career that she well remembers her teacher education; because of this, she puts forth the extra effort to put me at ease. She has set up a table in the room for me, equipped with a caddy of pens and post-it notes. I can't tell you what this means to me. You should have seen some of my dire spots in my practicum placements.

The children are adorable. I've already learned all 22 of their names. Some of them are a challenge academically, so it keeps us busy. The new common core is being taught this year. It steps the expectations up drastically for each student. Needless to say, both the students and the teachers were exhausted by the end of today.

I love watching Mrs. Kester introduce word strategies to the children. Today she introduced the bossy grandma 'e'. It of course makes the other vowel say it's name, such as 'take.' The children loved the story and the way in which it was told. I doubt they ever forget it.

Today I feel fortunate because of this opportunity to learn. It puts me more at ease for next year when I have my own students. I already feel better prepared and it is only day #1.

But I am exhausted. Please tell me I'll get used to this.


Kristy said...

I watch you with kids all the time and you are going to make a terrific teacher. You are almost there. Way to go!!! PS Love the new look!

Elizabeth said...

You'll get use to it but I remember for the first 3 months that I taught I slept in every weekend and threw in a couple of naps. Its a lot of work but so worth it and very enjoyable. You will be a great teacher! I am so excited for you. Good luck with the rest of the week.

CHELSEY! said...

congrats! I can't believe you will have your own class next year! How exciting. You are a natural. Enjoy those kids. :)

Joshua said...

Keep up the hard work! Can't wait to see what comes next. =)